
Hydrating Brown Sugar Body Scrub DIY

Hello again! If you're anything like me, then you are slightly obsessed with beauty products. One of my favorite body products happens to be Fresh's Brown Sugar Body Polish. I love the smell and the way it leaves my skin so soft. After I ran out, my mission was to duplicate this yummy body polish. So let's begin...

Read and see more after the jump!

Let me start off by warning you that I'm not so great at exact measurements. So you might need to add or decrease some of these ingredients when making your concoction. Also, I'm a nugget and forgot to add the olive oil into the picture. Noted.

Brown Sugar Body Polish Dupe:

3/4 cup of light brown sugar
2 cups of turbinado sugar
3/4 teaspoon of olive oil
1/2 tablespoon of raw honey
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
6 Vitamin E liquid capsules (or oil)
10-15 drops each of almond oil, grapefruit oil, bergamot, and orange
You'll also need a container of some sort. I used a 16oz mason jar.

  1. Combine sugars, olive oil and honey into a small mixing bowl and stir.
  2. Use a safety pin to poke holes in Vitamin E capsules and squeeze out the oil into your bowl.
  3. Add essential oils.
  4. Mix it all together whilst pretending you're an evil scientist or a genius chef prodigy.

Anyone catch the Bob Marley reference?

Feel free to add more of the ingredients until the consistency and aroma is to your liking. I like mine thick so I added more sugar. And to get that yummy smell, I added more drops each oil until it was just right.

Now scrub away! Just be sure not to eat any of it despite the delicious smell. It doesn't taste that great. Trust.


Belle Rebelle

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