Also, I'm going to make this a little daily inspiration post. Now some pictures from my adventures this week in coffee shops and at home. Exciting! I know. *Sarcasm*

Because coffee + sugar is the equivalent of Adderall.
My ever-depleting candle collection. From various spas and Anthropologie. Picked up the quartz rock during one of my hikes.
This is Smarty. He is Diamond's (my horse's) BFF. Look at that face!!
I volunteered at the Arabian Horse Show last weekend. I was titled "Photographer" for a day. A title which I like very much. I wish I had some ribbons of my own!
This is a picture from my front yard. Twilight is my favorite time of day because the earth is still pink, purple and blue. The birds will sing their final song during these hours before they call it a day and the rabbits will scurry home.
Keep it real my kittens. Toodles.