
Welcome to my page of fun and joy and colors! I've never really been good at these "About Me" sections, but I'll do my best:
My name's Elise and I'm 21 years old. I like to write, take pictures, film videos, wear fun things, and paint my face with makeup. I also can't stay in one place for long, so I have developed the need to travel, often. I have a nostalgia for a past in which I did not exist and blame this curse solely on the film Titanic (which is on repeat all of the time). I love to make other people laugh and feel good about themselves. I dedicate many hours to my horse and talking to my animals. I love pop culture although it is slowly destroying my life...I think One day, I will meet Leonardo DiCaprio and confess my undying love for him, until then, I'll continue to create her these tiny realities through pictures and writing. Hmm what else? I dream of being on Saturday Night Live one day. I like red lipstick...a lot.

I plan on using this little page here to document my adventures, thoughts and whatnots. Basically, I like to make videos of the world and my life. I like photography and arranging words. I enjoy long walks on the beach and puppies. Quentin Tarantino and Judd Apatow films are my favorite vices. I also think that what Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio have is substantially more real than what Johnny Depp and Tim Burton have going on. Words, man. Words.

Be weird with me?

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